
Friday 16 September 2022

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Extremely low cost backup to S3 Glacier Deep Archive

Show HN: Extremely low cost backup to S3 Glacier Deep Archive
51 by mrich | 28 comments on Hacker News.
Hi, most people (hopefully) have local backups. However, when that backup fails, it is good to have a backup stored somewhere off-site. In the old days you would ship physical drives/tapes, which is cumbersome, costly, and slow. With fast upload speeds, it is now possible to upload your data to the cloud. I have found S3 Glacier Deep Archive to be a great solution for this: - It is very cheap ($1/TB/month for US region) - Very reliable (99.999999999% data durability, data spread over 3 Availability Zones) However, usability out of the box is not that great, I'm not aware of any automated backup solution for Deep Archive. This free project provides that. Currently, ZFS is required, but that might change. Please try it out and provide feedback!

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