
Monday 22 May 2023

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How to move from dev role to management/team lead role?

Ask HN: How to move from dev role to management/team lead role?
6 by deliriumchn | 11 comments on Hacker News.
I feel like I achieved almost everything I wanted as a frontend developer (even moved from just working with UI/react/etc to pure R&D, researching and working with browser api for innovarive/obscure tasks) and while backend looks interesting for me, I know that I will have to take a paycut if I would move there. Becoming a team leader or moving to other management position looks more promising from salary and work enjoyment (for me) purposes, so what are my next steps are? Is there any good reads, courses, videos, lectures etc I should know of? I work in small startup for the past year so I don't have anything to take example of nor I have any opportunity to lead a team (except one guy I'm mentoring)

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