
Saturday 19 February 2022

New top story on Hacker News: Help HN: Can't Open Childhood Files

Help HN: Can't Open Childhood Files
19 by twooclock | 6 comments on Hacker News.
Hello HN, I was clearing my old house and got a box with a 100+ 3½ floppy disks. All except one working! Among others I got DisplayWriter 4.0, OS/4 Warp Slovenian, dBase IV, Clipper, PowerPoint 4.0, Netscape Navigator 3.0, etc. I found also some files with .CHT and .IMG extension which I can't find any software to open them. I know I made them, but unfortunately I can't remember which software was used. There is my family tree and chart of my height growing (which I'd like to compare now with my kids). Some files I uploaded here: Files timestamp is 1990 and 1991. Please help me find appropriate software! So far I tried (does not work): -ABC Flowcharter 3.01 -IBM Storyboard Plus 1.01 (5.25) -Harvard Graphics for Windows 4.0 -Harvard Graphics for Windows 2.0 (3.5) -HarvardGraphicsViewer -PowerPoint 98 Googled, checked, WinWorld, ... loosing hope... really makes me think about digital preservation. Thank you!

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