
Friday 20 August 2021

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What LinkedIn alternatives don't suck?

Ask HN: What LinkedIn alternatives don't suck?
16 by LinkedInSucks | 9 comments on Hacker News.
I've been using LinkedIn almost since Day 1 and I'm not sure why. I had ~10,000 e-mails from headhunters, only about 150 of which were somewhat relevant, of that 1 resulted in directly putting any money in my pocket. In my connections I had ~6,000 connections, and about 150 of them I had worked with, 50-60 would pass the beer test, and maybe 25 I would recognize. Meanwhile LinkedIn has pretty much become a business-oriented spammy Facebook, so I deleted my account. Is GitHub the best place to show off my skills / hold a resume, or are there any other worthy alternatives which haven't just become Facebook clones?

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