
Friday 31 July 2020

South Florida still fully in forecast path of what is expected to be Tropical Storm Isaias

South Florida still fully in forecast path of what is expected to be Tropical Storm IsaiasFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - The disturbance now called Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine has not yet become Tropical Storm Isaias, the National Hurricane Center said Wednesday in its latest public advisory. The storm still lacks a well-defined center of circulation, but it is expected to become a tropical storm Wednesday night, Senior Hurricane Specialist Daniel Brown wrote in the latest forecast ...

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Herman Cain, former presidential candidate, dies from coronavirus

Herman Cain, former presidential candidate, dies from coronavirusCain was hospitalized with the virus last month after attending a Trump rally two weeks earlier.

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Mexico to eclipse UK with third highest coronavirus death toll

Mexico to eclipse UK with third highest coronavirus death tollMexico is poised to overtake Britain as the country with the third-highest coronavirus death toll as the pandemic reaches new milestones in Latin America and threatens to disrupt efforts to reopen the economy. The unwanted record will place Mexico behind Brazil, Latin America's largest and most populous nation, and the United States. More than 91,000 people have died in Brazil and the U.S. death toll has surpassed 152,000.

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Boston marathon bombing: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence overturned by appeals court

Boston marathon bombing: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s death sentence overturned by appeals courtA federal appeals court has overturned the Boston Marathon bomber’s death sentence.The decision by a three-judge panel says that the judge that oversaw the original case did not adequately screen the jury for potential biases.

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Teachers fearing in-person schooling make wills, retire or plan strikes

Teachers fearing in-person schooling make wills, retire or plan strikesEducators, worried about the potentially deadly risks they are being forced to take, say proper protections have not been implemented School districts around the US are set to begin reopening in August, many with in-person classes, five days a week, despite coronavirus cases rising in many parts of the country.But the school reopenings have teachers around the US fearful for the safety of themselves, students, staff and family members, with teachers and unions saying that proper protections and protocols have yet to be implemented.Some teachers have even drawn up wills ahead of classes beginning, others have retired from the profession and teachers unions have said they will sanction strike action for members who deem that they are being forced to take potentially deadly risks.“Educators are afraid because proper policies are not being put in place to protect them,” said Alicia Priest, president of the Oklahoma Education Association. The Oklahoma state board of education has only issued guidelines for school districts, and voted down a proposal on 23 July to issue a mask mandate in schools across the state.“The OEA offers members through our personal legal services program a free will. The requests for those free wills are up over 3,000% in the last few weeks,” Priest added.A report published by the Kaiser Family Foundation on 10 July found 1.47 million teachers in the US – some 24% of the profession – are at greater risk of serious illness if infected with coronavirus because they have conditions that make them vulnerable.Yet Florida has issued an order mandating all schools must open in August in-person, five days a week. The Florida teachers union responded to the order with a lawsuit.“We are letting the community down by pretending we can open safely. The districts cannot do what is necessary according to CDC guidelines,” said Stacy Rene Kennett, a kindergarten teacher in Immokalee, Florida, who is expected to begin attending in-person training for school reopenings on 4 August.Amy Scott, an IB language arts high school teacher in Miami, Florida for 44 years, decided to retire one year early due to the coronavirus pandemic and the instability of the upcoming school year.“I dreaded it. I wanted to extend it as long as possible because I love kids and teaching,” said Scott. “But then came coronavirus and I realized all the difficulties of holding brick-and-mortar classrooms and the danger involved to teachers, students and the community spread and I didn’t want to end my 45 years of teaching in such a frustrating environment.”In Arizona, which was designated a global pandemic hotspot in early July, reopening decisions have been left to individual school districts.“There is no consistency across the state,” said Marisol Garcia, a middle school teacher and parent in Phoenix who currently serves as vice-president of the Arizona Educators Association. “We are left to our own devices to figure out how to keep our families safe and ensure our students are safe”Garcia explained current class loads in Arizona make social distancing impossible in districts where in-person learning is permitted, as she had no less than 31 students in each class last school year, and it remains unclear if any schools will face repercussions for not following guidelines for coronavirus protections. She also warns many of her colleagues may retire early.In Georgia, state agencies have issued guidelines for school reopenings, deferring decisions to school districts on when and how schools reopen in the coming weeks.Several school districts outside of metro areas in Georgia are reopening in August with in-person classes, five days a week, leaving teachers there concerned over safety protections as coronavirus case rates have been rising around the state over the past several weeks.“We’re very concerned that when we’re once again in school buildings, children, educators, and their family members will become sick and perhaps die,” said Lisa Morgan, president of the Georgia Educators Association.According to Morgan, several school districts in Georgia that are reopening in person, five days a week, are not following CDC guidelines, with no mask mandates, large classroom sizes making social distancing impossible, and responsibility for extra cleaning measures placed on teachers to carry out.Even as schools are expected to reopen in the coming weeks around the US, school districts and teachers are scrambling to create plans for restarting schools, whether classes are conducted in person, virtually, or a hybrid of in-person and remote learning.“The country is asking teachers and children to lead the way, yet no one seems to know what direction we’re headed,” said Angela McKeen, a high school science teacher in Clarksburg, West Virginia. “My concerns at this point are for my students. Can we prevent huge outbreaks? Can students effectively learn in such fluid situations? Can teachers effectively reach their students at not just their places academically, but also emotionally during this time?”Teacher unions have raised the possibility of walking off the job unless comprehensive safety plans are implemented for schools to reopen.The head of the Colorado Education Association recently said teachers may refuse to report to work as schools are set to reopen in the state in August if teachers’ criteria for school reopenings aren’t met.The union cited a survey of nearly 10,000 members, where about eight out of 10 teachers asserted they would be willing to refuse to work if teachers aren’t provided a voice in how safety protocols are implemented, such as mask mandates and social distancing procedures.“We don’t want schools to be epicenters of outbreak in our community. It would crush any student or staff member if they brought coronavirus into school,” said Ernest Garibay, a high school math teacher in Jefferson county, Colorado, and local union representative.

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A key federal appeals court will reexamine case on Michael Flynn's guilty plea

A key federal appeals court will reexamine case on Michael Flynn's guilty pleaThe full panel of judges' decision to review Flynn's case could result in a reversal of a three-judge panel's decision to dismiss the case last month.

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Florida breaks state's single-day death record, again

Florida breaks state's single-day death record, againAt least 6,333 people in Florida have now died from the disease caused by the coronavirus.

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China uses Hong Kong security law against US-based American citizen

China uses Hong Kong security law against US-based American citizen* Arrest warrant issued for democracy activist Samuel Chu * Five other exiles also wanted for ‘incitement to secession’Hong Kong police have issued arrest warrants for six pro-democracy activists living in exile, the first time the city’s authorities have used a sweeping new law to target campaigners living outside Hong Kong.They include Samuel Chu, an American citizen who lives in the US, Nathan Law, a prominent campaigner who recently relocated to the UK after fleeing Hong Kong, and Simon Cheng, a former British consular staffer who was granted asylum in the UK after alleging he was tortured in China.Chinese state media reported that the six men were wanted for “incitement to secession and collusion with foreign forces”.The move comes a month after China introduced a controversial national security law in Hong Kong. China said the legislation targets the crimes of “secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces” and carries penalties as severe as life in prison.Critics warned that it would be used to target legitimate opposition, and highlighted the unusual decision to make the law applicable to both Hong Kong residents and non-residents. That apparently gives China jurisdiction beyond its own borders.Chu, who runs the Hong Kong Democracy Council, a Washington DC-based advocacy organization dedicated to furthering Hong Kong’s freedom and democracy, is the first person targeted under this aspect of the law.He said China was sending a clear message to other activists by ordering his arrest.“I would really emphasize how outrageous this really is,” Chu told the Guardian. “I am the first non-Chinese citizen that essentially is being targeted. I think they do intend to try to make this an example.”Several countries have since suspended their extradition treaties with Hong Kong, including the UK, Australia and Germany, as a possible safeguard against attempts to use the national security laws to round up activists abroad. The US ordered an end to Hong Kong’s special economic status earlier in July.Chu, who has lived in the US as an American citizen since 1996, said the charges amounted to China “targeting a US citizen for lobbying my own government”.“We always knew that when the national security law went into effect there was a very troubling and illogical, irrational idea that they were claiming jurisdiction over anyone who is not even a Hong Kong resident, who is anywhere in the world, doing anything that they deemed threatening,” he said.> HK police is targeting a US citizen for lobbying my own gov't. I might be the 1st non-Chinese citizen to be targeted, but I will not be the last. If I am targeted, any American/any citizen of any nation who speaks out for HK can-and will be-too. > > We are all Hong Kongers now.> > — Samuel Chu 朱牧民 (@samuelmchu) July 31, 2020The other activists charged wereRay Wong, Wayne Chan and Honcques Laus.Wong, who is currently in the UK, told Reuters the charges showed that the Chinese government was afraid of the advocacy work of Hong Kong activists internationally.“I think they want to cut off our connection with people in Hong Kong … it will make people fear that they may violate the national security law by contacting us,” Wong said.

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Alan Dershowitz calls Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre a 'serial liar' while once again denying he ever had sex with her

Alan Dershowitz calls Jeffrey Epstein accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre a 'serial liar' while once again denying he ever had sex with herVirginia Giuffre claims that Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor, had sex with her when she was underage in Jeffrey Epstein's residences.

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Does the Covid pandemic spell the end of public schools?

Does the Covid pandemic spell the end of public schools?COVID-19 has become a threat to public schooling as parents begin to seek alternative schooling for the fall if public schools remain closed.

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Kamala Harris is reportedly losing favorite status in the tumultuous Biden veepstakes. Here's why.

Kamala Harris is reportedly losing favorite status in the tumultuous Biden veepstakes. Here's why.Skepticism around Harris from Biden's inner circle of family and elder statesmen like Chris Dodd all goes back to her big debate moment.

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New top story on Hacker News: Jared Kushner’s Testing Plan “Went Poof into Thin Air”

Jared Kushner’s Testing Plan “Went Poof into Thin Air”
3 by jmount | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: WordSafety: Check a name for unwanted meanings in foreign languages

WordSafety: Check a name for unwanted meanings in foreign languages
5 by cel1ne | 0 comments on Hacker News.

FOX NEWS: New Jersey man has made more than 900 grocery deliveries for seniors for free during pandemic

New Jersey man has made more than 900 grocery deliveries for seniors for free during pandemic

One New Jersey man is going above and beyond for his community during the pandemic.


FOX NEWS: California mall ridiculed for setting up restaurant dining in parking garage

California mall ridiculed for setting up restaurant dining in parking garage

Gives new meaning to drive-thru eating.


FOX NEWS: Utah buffets allowed to reopen with some restrictions

Utah buffets allowed to reopen with some restrictions

You can once again eat all you want – if you’re in Utah.


FOX NEWS: Chick-fil-A meal turned into a Taco Bell Crunchwrap is dividing TikTok

Chick-fil-A meal turned into a Taco Bell Crunchwrap is dividing TikTok

A TikTok user went viral for the odd combo.


FOX NEWS: Majority of Americans eating more of these comfort foods during pandemic

Majority of Americans eating more of these comfort foods during pandemic

Three-quarters of Americans are eating more comfort food than ever before, according to new research.


The Less Impossible Israeli-Palestinian Peace

By BY ROGER COHEN from NYT Opinion

White House and Congress Clash on Relief Plan as Jobless Aid Expires


Trump’s Coronavirus Testing Chief Concedes a Lag in Test Results


Florida Teenager Is Charged as ‘Mastermind’ of Twitter Hack

By Kate Conger and Nathaniel Popper from NYT Technology

Scared That Covid-19 Immunity Won’t Last? Don’t Be

By Akiko Iwasaki and Ruslan Medzhitov from NYT Opinion

Thursday 30 July 2020

CNN host says Trump loyalist owes broadcaster an apology over video played at Barr hearing

CNN host says Trump loyalist owes broadcaster an apology over video played at Barr hearingCNN host Jake Tapper has demanded that Republican congressman Jim Jordan apologise for playing an edited video that misleadingly showed reporters describe the George Floyd protests as “peaceful”.On Tuesday, attorney general William Barr took part in his first congressional hearing since he took the role, and faced questions on topics including his response to the protests and the subsequent deployment of federal law enforcement agents to cities such as Portland, Oregon.

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New research suggests COVID-19 can spread via aerosol transmission -- and might affect tall people more

New research suggests COVID-19 can spread via aerosol transmission -- and might affect tall people moreA new survey has found more evidence to suggest that people can become infected with COVID-19 through aerosol transmission, which could be prevented by wearing a mask. Carried out by data scientists in the UK, Norway, and the US, the study is one of the first to investigate which personal and work-related factors can lead to COVID-19 transmission. After surveying 2,000 people in the UK and US, the researchers found that the data from both countries suggests that aerosol transmission of the virus -- via microdroplets which are so small that they remain suspended in the air for several hours -- is very likely.

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Google's Sundar Pichai was immediately pounced on in the first question of the antitrust hearing, asking the CEO why Google steals content

Google's Sundar Pichai was immediately pounced on in the first question of the antitrust hearing, asking the CEO why Google steals contentIn his opening set of questions to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, David Cicilline revealed what the year-long investigation had found.

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Trump says coronavirus stimulus checks, direct payments may be more than $1,200

Trump says coronavirus stimulus checks, direct payments may be more than $1,200The amount the president put on the table is even higher than that proposed by Republicans and Democrats.

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FBI says errors discovered in more than two-dozen wiretap applications were mostly minor

FBI says errors discovered in more than two-dozen wiretap applications were mostly minorThe agency said its review of 29 applications to obtain wiretaps on U.S. citizens had only minor, mostly typographical errors.

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Chinese scientist arrested after seeking medical care

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The US Postal Service will reportedly reduce post office hours to save money

The US Postal Service will reportedly reduce post office hours to save moneyA USPS spokesperson didn't elaborate on how USPS locations would ensure service to customers after reducing hours.

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Father, son with COVID-19 forced to quarantine in Hawaii

Father, son with COVID-19 forced to quarantine in HawaiiHawaii's public health director said a rarely used special health order was used to force them into isolation.

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As Biden VP pick nears, Susan Rice slams Trump for being soft on Russia's Putin

As Biden VP pick nears, Susan Rice slams Trump for being soft on Russia's PutinFormer U.S. national security adviser Susan Rice, who is on Joe Biden's short list to be his running mate, criticized President Donald Trump on Wednesday for failing to question Russian leader Vladimir Putin about reports Moscow paid bounties for the killing of U.S. troops. "He is absolutely a failure as our commander in chief," Rice told the ABC network in an interview. "He has got some very bizarre, very inexplicable reason for always giving Putin the benefit of the doubt."

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New top story on Hacker News: Panasonic aims to boost energy density in Tesla batteries by 20%

Panasonic aims to boost energy density in Tesla batteries by 20%
5 by admiralspoo | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Five Buck Fatigue

Five Buck Fatigue
20 by lawik | 6 comments on Hacker News.

FOX NEWS: McDonald's CEO says law enforcement may be called on customers who refuse to wear masks

McDonald's CEO says law enforcement may be called on customers who refuse to wear masks

McDonald’s appears to be serious about face masks.


FOX NEWS: Wyoming ranchers protest Burger King's ad campaign targeting cow emissions

Wyoming ranchers protest Burger King's ad campaign targeting cow emissions

Burger King isn’t being treated like royalty by some ranchers.


FOX NEWS: Investigation determines Starbucks barista did not put feminine hygiene product in cop’s drink

Investigation determines Starbucks barista did not put feminine hygiene product in cop’s drink

The investigation has reportedly concluded that the incident was neither malicious nor intentional tampering.


FOX NEWS: National Cheesecake Day: The Cheesecake Factory launches new flavor, donates $1 to charity for every slice sold

National Cheesecake Day: The Cheesecake Factory launches new flavor, donates $1 to charity for every slice sold

Treating yourself and helping others is a piece of cake – cheesecake, that is.


4 Guards Charged in Inmate’s Beating at Alabama Prison


Will Herman Cain’s Death Change Republican Views on the Virus and Masks?


Louie Gohmert’s Coronavirus Case Reveals a Dangerous Reality in Congress


Trump Floats an Election Delay, and Republicans Shoot It Down


John Lewis Believed America Would Survive Trump


Trump Can’t Delay the Election


With Jobless Aid Set to Lapse, Senate Fails to Agree on Extension


Obama’s Call to Abolish Filibuster Puts Further Spotlight on the Tactic


Wednesday 29 July 2020

Prosecutors: 'Alarming' that Maxwell may publicize victims

Prosecutors: 'Alarming' that Maxwell may publicize victimsSome witnesses in the criminal case against Jeffrey Epstein’s former girlfriend may face harassment and intimidation and could be reluctant to cooperate with the government if defense attorneys are allowed to discuss them publicly, prosecutors said Tuesday. Prosecutors asked a Manhattan federal court judge to block lawyers for British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell from publicly identifying women who have already spoken about the financier or Maxwell on a public forum. “The victims of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein have suffered enough," prosecutors said, urging privacy for accusers except for anyone who acknowledges publicly they are part of the criminal case against Maxwell.

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Great white shark kills woman in rare attack in Maine, authorities say

Great white shark kills woman in rare attack in Maine, authorities sayMaine has recorded only one shark attack since 1837, researchers say.

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Australia's fires 'killed or harmed three billion animals'

Australia's fires 'killed or harmed three billion animals'The recent bushfires were "one of the worst wildlife disasters in modern history", conservationists say.

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My wife was detained, released, and disappeared again in China. Here's my message on behalf of my people, the Uighurs.

My wife was detained, released, and disappeared again in China. Here's my message on behalf of my people, the Uighurs.The author, Mamutjan Abdurehim, is a Uighur father from Xinjiang — the Chinese region synonymous with surveillance, detentions, and forced labor.

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Factbox: Biden will soon pick a running mate. Here are the front-runners

Factbox: Biden will soon pick a running mate. Here are the front-runnersBiden has vowed to choose a woman as his potential vice president. Following widespread protests over racial injustice and police brutality, pressure increased on Biden to choose a woman of color. Harris, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian parents, fits the bill.

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Man interviews Bernell Tremell on his support for Trump hours before he was killed

Man interviews Bernell Tremell on his support for Trump hours before he was killedOn July 23, Adebisi Agoso was one of the last people to speak with Milwaukee community fixture and Trump supporter, Bernell Trammell, before he was senselessly killed.

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U.S. Warns Russia on Bounties While Trump Cries ‘Fake News’

U.S. Warns Russia on Bounties While Trump Cries ‘Fake News’The U.S. State Department has issued warnings to Russia that there will be repercussions if Moscow pays bounties to the Taliban for successfully killing American soldiers, according to two senior American officials and another individual with knowledge of the matter.The warnings were issued through the department’s diplomatic channels after public news reports in June that the U.S. had gathered intelligence about the Russian bounties, those officials said. One official described the communications as “serious.” Another said that Moscow responded by denying the reports it had set up or funded a bounty program to kill U.S. troops.These secret warnings stand in contrast to what President Trump has said about the intelligence in question. In an interview earlier this week, Trump said he did not believe the bounties were worth raising in a recent conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. “That was a phone call to discuss other things, and frankly that’s an issue that many people said was fake news,” Trump said in a recent interview.Trump Gives Putin a Pass on Bounties So He Can Target Leakers Instead The New York Times reported June 26 that Russia had covertly offered the Taliban cash in exchange for killing U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan and that the intelligence had been included in a presidential daily briefing packet in February. White House officials have consistently said that the bounty intelligence has not been “verified.” Officials previously told The Daily Beast that there was disagreement in the intelligence and national security communities over the intelligence and the methods used to gather it. Multiple U.S. officials, including Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Gen. Mark Milley, have publicly disputed the reports. In a July 9 congressional hearing, Esper said the U.S. did not have any evidence that suggested there were direct linkages between the Russian bounties and Americans getting killed in the field.The warnings to the Russians highlight the seriousness with which officials in the Trump administration have responded to reports of the bounties. They also raise questions about the extent to which officials’ understanding of the validity of the bounty intelligence diverges from that of President Donald Trump.It is unclear to what extent, if at all, the president has been briefed on these warnings. The White House and National Security Council did not immediately provide comment to The Daily Beast. The State Department did not respond on the record to a request for comment. Pompeo recently said during a Fox News interview that the U.S. would “respond to any threat, whether that’s Iranians using the Taliban or the Russians,” he said. “We’ll make sure they know.”  In his interview with Axios this week, Trump insisted that the intelligence “never reached my desk,” though it has been widely reported that the intel had been included in the President's Daily Brief.During that interview, when Trump was asked about Russia’s years-long efforts to provide weapons to Taliban forces, the president responded, “Well, we supplied weapons when they were fighting Russia, too. The Taliban, in Afghanistan…I’m just saying, we did that, too.”Russian Bounties for Killing Americans Go Back Five Years, Ex-Taliban ClaimsIn Moscow’s Afghan Bazaar, Searching for a Bagman Who Pays Bounties for Dead AmericansU.S. representatives are currently in Vienna, Austria meeting with the Russians on arms control—an area national security officials say could be a path toward cooperation, though Russia recently launched an anti-satellite weapon into space. According to interviews with three former officials, past efforts at cooperating with Russia have failed, including the sharing of counterterrorism intelligence, and engaging in talks on space could be beneficial for safeguarding American interests there. But multiple current and former senior officials say they are unsure if there’s any issue on which the U.S. can cooperate with Russia given recent attempts by a Moscow-linked group to hack U.S. coronavirus vaccine research and the country disseminating disinformation on the coronaivurs.In a hearing last week in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, State Department Deputy Secretary Biegun said years of malign actions by the Russians “have made it virtually impossible to make progress …  in any way, shape or form.” Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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'Put your mask on!': Lawmakers erupt after Jim Jordan throws a temper tantrum during the big tech hearing

'Put your mask on!': Lawmakers erupt after Jim Jordan throws a temper tantrum during the big tech hearingLawmakers slammed Rep. Jim Jordan at the antitrust hearing after he interrupted a colleague accusing him of raising "fringe conspiracy theories."

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Federal officers pulling out of Portland: U.S. Homeland Security, Oregon governor

Federal officers pulling out of Portland: U.S. Homeland Security, Oregon governorFederal troops will begin a phased withdrawal from downtown Portland, ceding some security functions to Oregon state troopers and local law enforcement after two months of protests, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Oregon Governor Kate Brown said on Wednesday. Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said he and Brown agreed to a plan after talks over the last 24 hours.

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