
Sunday 31 May 2020

Burkina Faso gunmen 'kill dozens' at cattle market in Kompienga

Burkina Faso gunmen 'kill dozens' at cattle market in KompiengaThe gunmen arrived on motorbikes, shooting into the crowded market, reports say.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Tanker truck drives into protesters on Minneapolis highway: Reuters witness

A tanker truck drove into protesters on interstate highway 35 West in Minneapolis, but none of the marchers were injured, according to a Reuters Witness.

from Reuters: U.S.

Democrat Biden visits site of police brutality protest in Delaware

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Sunday toured the site of one of the protests that ripped through U.S. cities overnight and called for protesters against police brutality not to turn to violence.

from Reuters: U.S.

New top story on Hacker News: Hacker News Security

Hacker News Security
30 by itsspring | 6 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: A Hierarchy of Engineering Values

A Hierarchy of Engineering Values
13 by duncan_mcisaac | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: This DX7 Cartridge Does Not Exist

This DX7 Cartridge Does Not Exist
20 by processing | 3 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: The Trolley Problem Problem

The Trolley Problem Problem
17 by Hooke | 6 comments on Hacker News.

FOX NEWS: Joe Biden, wearing mask, visits protest site in Delaware

Joe Biden, wearing mask, visits protest site in Delaware

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday visited a location where protesters have been demonstrating against police brutality and racial inequality, according to a photo Biden posted on Instagram, as protests and riots rage across the U.S. following the death of George Floyd last week. 


FOX NEWS: Buildings around White House board up, protect valuables amid possibility of more protest vandalism

Buildings around White House board up, protect valuables amid possibility of more protest vandalism

Businesses, a church and other establishments around the White House are boarding up their windows and securing their valuables amid fears that another night of protests and vandalism could erupt on Sunday.


FOX NEWS: SpaceX and the House of Representatives shared something in common last week

SpaceX and the House of Representatives shared something in common last week

Both scrubbed their respective launches.


FOX NEWS: Trump on violent protesters: 'Where are the arrests and long term jail sentences?'

Trump on violent protesters: 'Where are the arrests and long term jail sentences?'

President Trump on Sunday afternoon expressed outrage over an apparent lack of law enforcement arrests of rioters who have brought violence upon several American cities following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week.


FOX NEWS: Barr: Violence from Antifa, other groups 'is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly'

Barr: Violence from Antifa, other groups 'is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly'

Attorney General William Barr said Sunday that the Department of Justice will treat violence by individuals associated with Antifa as domestic terrorism in a statement that condemned the far-left group and asserted that protests against police brutality and racial inequality following George Floyd's death have "been hijacked."


FOX NEWS: Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations

Susan Rice makes claim Russians could be behind violent George Floyd demonstrations

Former Obama administration national security adviser Susan Rice bizarrely suggested in a televised interview Sunday that the Russians could be behind the violent nationwide demonstrations following the in-custody death of George Floyd, although she offered no evidence for the incendiary claim.


FOX NEWS: Big-city Dems who had imposed strict coronavirus lockdowns now let George Floyd rioters flout rules

Big-city Dems who had imposed strict coronavirus lockdowns now let George Floyd rioters flout rules

The coronavirus lockdown is seemingly down and out, as many Democrats in charge of big cities -- including several who once insisted on strict quarantine measures -- line up to champion the nationwide mass demonstrations over the in-custody death of George Floyd, sans social distancing.


Destructive Power of Despair

By BY CHARLES M. BLOW from NYT Opinion

What Trump and Toxic Cops Have in Common


As Protests and Violence Spill Over, Trump Shrinks Back


What Is Antifa, the Movement Trump Wants to Declare a Terror Group?


Police Cars Rammed Protesters. What de Blasio’s Response Tells Us.


Record Ratings and Record Chaos on Cable News

By BY BEN SMITH from NYT Business

Many Claim Extremists Are Sparking Protest Violence. But Which Extremists?


Tara Reade’s Tumultuous Journey to the 2020 Campaign


George Floyd Protests Live Updates: Demonstrations Resume as Mayors Call for ‘Peace, Not Patience’

By Unknown Author from NYT U.S.

Saturday 30 May 2020

Coronavirus: 'I'm high risk but made a full recovery'

Positive stories from people considered at high risk who have made a full recovery from coronavirus.

from BBC News - Home

My Money: 'Our alternative quarantine holiday'

Alyssa Hulme from Utah in the US takes us through her weekly spending during the coronavirus pandemic.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus: Independent cinemas unlikely to open before September

An Independent Cinema Office survey found only a quarter of venues planned to open before autumn.

from BBC News - Home

Coronavirus doctor's diary: Why does Covid-19 make some healthy young people really sick?

Dr John Wright tells the story of Marium Zameer, who became very unwell with Covid-19 despite being young and healthy.

from BBC News - Home

Former Justice Department official says Trump is 'basically calling for the shooting of protesters'

Former Justice Department official says Trump is 'basically calling for the shooting of protesters'Vanita Gupta, head of the department's Civil Rights Division in the Obama administration, said the Minneapolis Police Department was on her “radar” during her tenure.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

EU urges U.S. to reconsider decision to cut ties with WHO

EU urges U.S. to reconsider decision to cut ties with WHOThe European Union urged the United States on Saturday to reconsider its decision to cut ties with the World Health Organization over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. "In this context, we urge the U.S. to reconsider its announced decision," they said a day after President Donald Trump announced the move, accusing the U.N. agency of becoming a puppet of China. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas also condemned the move and pledged intensive talks with Washington on the issue.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

President is slammed for leaving ‘press conference’ without addressing Minnesota as he disbands US relationship with WHO

President is slammed for leaving ‘press conference’ without addressing Minnesota as he disbands US relationship with WHODonald Trump held a "press conference" on Friday to discuss the United State's relationship with China, but then left the Rose Garden without taking questions or addressing the mounting situation in Minnesota following the death of George Floyd.The president announced during his statement the US would disband its relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO) amid the coronavirus pandemic.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Letters to the Editor: People who insist on going to church should quarantine themselves

Letters to the Editor: People who insist on going to church should quarantine themselvesOne's right to attend church ends at the tip of another person's nose. People who flout social distancing rules by going to church should quarantine.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

China-India border: Why tensions are rising between the neighbours

China-India border: Why tensions are rising between the neighboursTensions in the Himalaya have the potential to escalate as they pursue their strategic goals.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Nurses who have the coronavirus are fighting their employers to get paid time off: 'Nobody really cares about my safety'

Nurses who have the coronavirus are fighting their employers to get paid time off: 'Nobody really cares about my safety'Nurses across America have been hailed as heroes. But they've struggled to get paid time off, and have been left wondering how to pay the bills.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Wife of officer charged with murder in George Floyd's death files for divorce

Wife of officer charged with murder in George Floyd's death files for divorceKellie Chauvin's lawyer said she is "devastated" over Floyd's death.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Transcripts released of Flynn's calls with Russian diplomat

Transcripts released of Flynn's calls with Russian diplomatTranscripts of phone calls that played a pivotal role in the Russia investigation were declassified and released Friday, showing that Michael Flynn, as an adviser to then-President-elect Donald Trump, urged Russia's ambassador to be “even-keeled” in response to punitive Obama administration measures, and assured him “we can have a better conversation” about relations between the two countries after Trump became president. Democrats said the transcripts showed that Flynn had lied to the FBI when he denied details of the conversation, and that he was undercutting a sitting president while ingratiating himself with a country that had just interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Pompeo demands Russia free ill American accused of spying

Pompeo demands Russia free ill American accused of spyingSecretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday demanded that Russia free a former US marine accused of spying in Russia after the man underwent urgent surgery in a Moscow hospital. Fifty-year-old Paul Whelan had emergency hernia surgery late Thursday after suffering "severe abdominal pain," his brother David Whelan said in a statement Friday. Paul Whelan, who also holds Canadian, Irish and British citizenship, was detained in Moscow in December 2018 for allegedly receiving state secrets.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

U.S. high court rejects church challenges to state pandemic rules

U.S. high court rejects church challenges to state pandemic rulesThe U.S. Supreme Court rejected challenges on Friday to curbs on religious services in California and Illinois during the coronavirus pandemic. In the California dispute, the nine justices split 5-4 in rejecting a bid by South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista to block the rules issued by Governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat. Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's four liberal justices in the majority.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

EU won’t follow Trump into a trade war over Hong Kong

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says New York City is on track to begin reopening the week of June 8

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says New York City is on track to begin reopening the week of June 8"We will stay on track by focusing on the hotspots," Cuomo said. "We know down to the zip code where the infection rate is higher than average."

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

GOP eyes flipping Michigan senate seat

GOP eyes flipping Michigan senate seatAs Republicans work to maintain their control of the Senate in November, they're looking to flip seats in some key battleground states. That includes Michigan, where two challengers are looking to unseat incumbent Democratic Senator Gary Peters. Riley Beggin, a political reporter for Bridge Magazine, spoke with CBS News about the contest.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Trump justice department forces out top FBI lawyer in Flynn case – report

Trump justice department forces out top FBI lawyer in Flynn case – report* NBC News: general counsel Dana Boente forced out on Friday * Fox News host Lou Dobbs slammed lawyer in April * Flynn transcripts show he discussed sanctions with RussianA top FBI lawyer who was criticised on Fox News for his role in the investigation of Michael Flynn has resigned after being asked to do so by senior figures at the Department of Justice, NBC News reported on Saturday.The FBI confirmed to NBC that Dana Boente, its general counsel and a former acting attorney general, announced his resignation on Friday after a near-40-year career. NBC cited two sources anonymous sources as saying the decision came from “Attorney General William Barr’s justice department”.Boente joined the DoJ in 1984 and in 2015 became the US attorney for the eastern district of Virginia, after being nominated by Barack Obama.In January 2017, he briefly served as acting attorney general, after Trump fired Sally Yates, an Obama-era deputy, for refusing to defend an executive order on immigration.Temporarily overseeing the investigation of Russian election interference, Boente signed a warrant authorising FBI surveillance of Flynn.The retired general, Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, was fired for lying to the vice-president about contacts with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the conversations and cooperated with the special counsel Robert Mueller as he took over the investigation of Russian election interference and links between Trump and Moscow.Flynn sought to withdraw his guilty plea before sentencing. Earlier this month, Barr said the justice department would drop the case, although a federal judge put that decision on hold.On Friday, the same day Boente was forced out of the FBI, Trump’s new director of intelligence and Senate Republicans released transcripts of the calls in question, between Flynn and the Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.Opponents of the president said the transcripts proved that Flynn had been treated fairly. Supporters of Trump said they showed Flynn had been treated unfairly.As Trump attempts to construct a scandal called “Obamagate”, with the surveillance of Flynn at its centre, his administration is releasing material it hopes will put Obama officials in a bad light.Boente also wrote a leaked memo concerning material put into the public domain about Flynn, which he said was not exculpatory.Trump is notoriously open to the views of key Fox News contributors.On 27 April, the Fox News host Lou Dobbs told viewers: “Shocking new reports suggest FBI general counsel Dana Boente was acting in coordination with FBI director Christopher Wray to block the release of that evidence that would have cleared General Flynn.”Trump has reportedly been urged to fire Wray, whom he appointed to replace James Comey, the man he fired in May 2017 in an attempt to close the Russia investigation.Comey’s firing led to the appointment of Mueller, who concluded a near-two year investigation without proving criminal conspiracy between Trump and Russia.Mueller did, however, obtain convictions of Trump aides and say in his report the campaign was receptive to Russian help. He also laid out extensive evidence of attempts by the president to obstruct his investigation.Trump has fired or forced out FBI and DoJ figures including Andrew McCabe, Comey’s deputy, lawyer Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, an FBI agent who worked on the case.On Friday, Wray issued a statement about Boente.“Few people have served so well in so many critical, high-level roles at the department,” he said. “Throughout his long and distinguished career as a public servant, Dana has demonstrated a selfless determination to ensure that justice is always served on behalf of our citizens.”

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

New top story on Hacker News: Powers of Two (2017)

Powers of Two (2017)
8 by momonga | 0 comments on Hacker News.

George Floyd Protests: A Timeline


saturday afternoon

By Unknown Author from NYT Briefing

‘They’re Just Doing Whatever They Want.’ Few Masks Are Seen as Beach Town Reopens.


George Floyd Live Updates: Protests Sweep Across United States

By Unknown Author from NYT U.S.

Friday 29 May 2020

Minneapolis mayor responds after night of protests and violence in wake of George Floyd's death

Minneapolis mayor responds after night of protests and violence in wake of George Floyd's deathAt a press conference on Thursday, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said protests and unrest after the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man seen on video pinned to the ground by the neck while being arrested by a white police officer, were the result of “built-up anger and sadness” in the black community over the past 400 years.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Coronavirus: How the pandemic in US compares with rest of world

Coronavirus: How the pandemic in US compares with rest of worldMore than 100,000 people have died and the country is now slowly reopening amid fears of new spikes.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Police officers around the country sound off on Minneapolis policing that led to George Floyd death

Police officers around the country sound off on Minneapolis policing that led to George Floyd deathLaw enforcement officials around the country are publicly condemning the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was seen on video gasping for breath as a white officer held him down with a knee on his neck for close to eight minutes.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Hong Kong on borrowed time as China pushes for more control

Hong Kong on borrowed time as China pushes for more controlHong Kong has been living on borrowed time ever since the British made it a colony nearly 180 years ago, and all the more so after Beijing took control in 1997 and granted it autonomous status. China’s passage of a national security law for the city is the latest sign that the 50-year “one country, two systems” arrangement that allowed Hong Kong to keep its own legal, financial and trade regimes is perishable. China’s communist leaders have been preparing for decades to take full control of the glittering capitalist oasis, while building up their own trade and financial centers to take Hong Kong's place.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Marauding monkeys attack lab technician and steal Covid-19 tests

Marauding monkeys attack lab technician and steal Covid-19 testsA band of marauding monkeys has attacked a laboratory technician and stolen three Covid-19 test samples, raising fears they will infect themselves and then spread the deadly disease to humans. The worker was attacked outside a medical college in Meerut, northern India, while transporting samples from patients suspected of having coronavirus. The monkeys ran off into a residential area. The employee is said to have been unharmed, but has angered officials after filming the aftermath of the attack, rather than attempting to retrieve the samples from the fleeing monkeys. Monkeys can contract Covid-19 and then infect humans, according to scientists. Some Indians have been worried about catching the deadly virus from animals and it led to pet dogs being released onto the streets during the start of the pandemic. Others saw the funny side of the monkey attack, with the incident coming days after the Indian authorities detained a pigeon in Jammu & Kashmir on suspicion of spying for Pakistan. “The nation wants to know if Pakistan has sent those monkeys to steal coronavirus samples,” joked one user on Twitter. “These are highly trained monkeys and very intelligent monkeys.” In India, groups of monkeys are attacking people with increasing regularity as they are displaced from their natural habitats by urban sprawl. Their attacks can prove deadly - particularly for young children who are vulnerable to their powerful bites. In 2018, a 12-day-old baby boy died after he was bitten by a monkey in the city of Agra, home of the Taj Mahal.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

India's economy seen slowing rapidly in March quarter, with worse to come

India's economy seen slowing rapidly in March quarter, with worse to comeGross domestic product data out later on Friday is expected to show India's economy grew at its slowest pace in at least two years in the March quarter as the coronavirus pandemic weakened already declining consumer demand and private investment. The median forecast from a Reuters poll of economists put annual economic growth at 2.1% in the March quarter, lower than 4.7% in the December quarter. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has maintained the lockdown ordered on March 25 to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the world's second most populous country, though many restrictions were eased for manufacturing, transport and other services from May 18.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Fury after Pennsylvania lawmakers concealed COVID diagnosis

Fury after Pennsylvania lawmakers concealed COVID diagnosisRepublicans in the US state of Pennsylvania faced calls for their resignation Thursday after a lawmaker tested positive for COVID-19 and they did not tell Democratic colleagues for a full week. Democrats in the state's House of Representatives erupted in anger for having their health and that of their families put at risk, with one calling the chamber's Republican leadership "callous liars" for withholding the information even as the House remained in session. Democrats said three other Republicans exposed to Lewis eventually went into quarantine, but not before they served alongside Democrats in several sessions and committee meetings.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Photos of mass graves in Brazil show the stark toll of the coronavirus, as experts predict that it will surpass 125,000 deaths by August

Photos of mass graves in Brazil show the stark toll of the coronavirus, as experts predict that it will surpass 125,000 deaths by AugustDespite the growing number of coronavirus cases and deaths in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro has refused to impose a lockdown.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines