
Friday 31 May 2019

Trump Tariffs on Mexico Irk Key Republican Allies in Congress

Trump Tariffs on Mexico Irk Key Republican Allies in CongressThe president’s announcement Thursday surprised many Republicans who hoped to focus on passing a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada known as the USMCA. Trump said he will impose a 5% tariff on all imports from Mexico -- ramping up 5 percentage points every month until hitting 25% in October -- unless Mexico takes "decisive measures" to stem migrants entering the U.S.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

New top story on Hacker News: ‘This could ruin us’: A class-action suit imperils California freelancers

‘This could ruin us’: A class-action suit imperils California freelancers
3 by gok | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Faster Parallel Python Without Python Multiprocessing

Faster Parallel Python Without Python Multiprocessing
15 by Cyranix | 0 comments on Hacker News.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez returns to bartending to promote fair wages

U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took lunch orders, served pizza and rocked the cocktail shaker on Friday to promote increased wages for restaurant servers and other tipped workers.

from Reuters: U.S.

Trump would be 'in handcuffs' if not president, says Democrat Warren

Trump would be 'in handcuffs' if not president, says Democrat WarrenDemocratic White House hopeful Elizabeth Warren said Thursday that if Donald Trump were not protected by his presidential status, he would be "in handcuffs and indicted" for obstructing the investigation into Russia's 2016 election interference. The progressive US senator from Massachusetts, one of the leading Democrats for the party's 2020 nomination, was the first presidential candidate to speak out in favor of launching impeachment proceedings against Trump. Warren had called for an impeachment inquiry the day after the April 18 publication of special counsel Robert Mueller's 448-page report on Moscow's election interference.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

New Mexico town gets death threats after halting crowd-funded border wall

New Mexico town gets death threats after halting crowd-funded border wallA New Mexico mayor on Thursday said he and his staff received multiple death threats after they briefly halted construction of a crowd-funded, private border wall by a group that then urged supporters to tell the city to "stop playing games," and alleged it was tied to drug cartels. The Florida-based group has raised $23 million via crowd-funding site to build private border walls to halt smuggling and a surge in undocumented migrants, after funding for President Donald Trump's promised wall was blocked. Perea described the tactics of We Build the Wall as a "cheap blow," and the American Civil Liberties Union accused it of pursuing a "white Nationalist" agenda.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Man charged after Nassau County police find woman, 2 boys with autism, 1 teen in car with 'CALL 911' sign

Man charged after Nassau County police find woman, 2 boys with autism, 1 teen in car with 'CALL 911' signA man was charged after police say a woman holding a "CALL 911" sign and her three children were found inside his car on Long Island.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Escalating Iran crisis looks a lot like the path US took to Iraq war

Escalating Iran crisis looks a lot like the path US took to Iraq warThe U.S. went to war in Iraq in 2003 based on flawed intelligence supported by hawkish policy makers. Is it doomed to repeat the error with Iran?

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Disney says it won't make any more films in Georgia if draconian abortion laws come into force in the US state

Disney says it won't make any more films in Georgia if draconian abortion laws come into force in the US stateDisney's chief executive has warned Georgia that the company's film and TV productions are likely to abandon the state if its controversial abortion bill becomes law. Bob Iger said it would be "very difficult" for the entertainment giant to continue working in the state if the so-called "heartbeat bill", which outlaws terminations from as early as six weeks, comes into force. The Walt Disney Company has shot some of its biggest films in the US state, including Black Panther and Avengers: Endgame. Speaking to Reuters, Iger said: "If it becomes law, it'll be very difficult. "I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. "Right now we are watching it very carefully." Sen John Milkovich speaks outside the State Capitol in Louisiana where the House passed Milkovich's 'fetal heartbeat' bill Georgia has been dubbed the "Hollywood of the South" after it lured production companies with favourable tax laws. The state offers a tax credit that has lured many film and TV productions. The industry is responsible for more than 92,000 jobs in Georgia, according to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and some 455 productions were shot in Georgia in 2018, according to the state. However, its proposed abortion laws have caused fury across the industry, with leading stars lining up to condemn the bill. Netflix has also warned it could pull out of the state. Georgia's bill bans abortions in cases where a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can be as early as six weeks. It is due to come into effect on January 1 2020, although campaigners have already said they will fight it in the courts. It came as last night Louisiana on Wednesday also passed a bill banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, becoming the seventh state to do so. The bans are expected to be blocked in lower courts, but supporters plan to appeal such decisions until they reach the Supreme Court.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Florida Gov. DeSantis meets with Netanyahu in Israel

Florida Gov. DeSantis meets with Netanyahu in IsraelJERUSALEM (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis met with Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, calling the embattled Israeli prime minister a "strong leader" on the governor's final day of a trade mission to Israel.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

US national spelling bee crowns eight co-champions after running out of challenging words

US national spelling bee crowns eight co-champions after running out of challenging wordsA superhuman group of adolescents broke the Scripps National Spelling Bee on Thursday, with eight contestants crowned co-champions after the competition said it was running out of challenging words.It was a stunning result, coming just after midnight, for the 92nd annual event, which has had six two-way ties but had never experienced such a logjam at the top.After the 17th round, Jacques Bailly, the event’s pronouncer, announced that any of the eight remaining contestants who made it through three more words would share in the prize.“We do have plenty of words remaining in our list, but we’ll soon run out of words that will challenge you,” Mr Bailly told the contestants at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Centre in National Harbour, Maryland.He added: “We’re throwing the dictionary at you. And so far, you are showing this dictionary who is boss.”None of the contestants faltered. They each got their own moment of triumph as they correctly spelled their words in the 20th round, then patiently sat back in their seats as the following contestants had their moments. They supported each other with high-fives and hugs, and each placed a hand on a single trophy.The champions were, along with the final words they spelled:Rishik Gandhasri, 13, of San Jose, California: auslaut.Erin Howard, 14, of Huntsville, Alabama: erysipelas.Saketh Sundar, 13, of Clarksville, Maryland: bougainvillea.Shruthika Padhy, 13, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey: aiguillette.Sohum Sukhatankar, 13, of Dallas: pendeloque.Abhijay Kodali, 12, of Flower Mound, Texas: palama.Christopher Serrao, 13, of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey: cernuous.Rohan Raja, 13, of Irving, Texas: odylic.The competition normally offers a $50,000 (£39,610) prize to the champion. Instead of splitting it eight ways, all eight contestants will receive $50,000 and their own trophies.There have been marathon spelling bees before — the 2017 event went 36 rounds, with two spellers battling it out after the 17th round — but the competition has never hosted such a large group of spellers who could not be defeated.The field is typically winnowed down to fewer than four by the 16th round.This year, the ninth-place finisher, 13-year-old Simone Kaplan of Davie, Florida, was thwarted in the 15th round.From that point on, the contestants correctly spelled 47 straight words.Already nervous, they started showing signs of fatigue as the competition stretched on past its expected window.At the beginning of the 17th round, Rishik had a question for Mr Bailly.“Out of curiosity, would you happen to know what time it is?” he asked. It was 11:18 pm.It was one of several moments of levity from a group of students who appeared largely unfazed by the pressure, with their parents in the audience often looking more unsettled.Rohan prompted laughter in the 17th round as he recoiled at his errant pronunciation of “Gaeltacht.”“Oh God,” he said, “I sound like I vomited.”The New York Times

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

How the 2016 Debates Are Still Haunting Democrats

How the 2016 Debates Are Still Haunting DemocratsDemocrats are trying to avoid the missteps of the 2016 primary debates — a goal that has proven elusive as more candidates have announced.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Stone Was Like ‘Uncle Roger,’ Miller Testifies to Grand Jury

Stone Was Like ‘Uncle Roger,’ Miller Testifies to Grand JuryProsecutors focused their examination on Miller’s relationship with Stone and Stone’s connection to WikiLeaks founder Assange, Miller’s attorney Paul Kamenar told reporters after the proceeding. Stone was indicted by the grand jury in January on charges of lying to Congress about communications with Assange, obstruction and witness tampering.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Auto industry dented by latest Trump tariffs

Auto industry dented by latest Trump tariffsPresident Donald Trump's plan to impose tariffs on Mexico will affect myriad industries, but few are as exposed as automakers. Shares of several major automakers and auto suppliers dived five percent or more following Trump's announcement Thursday night that the United States would impose a five percent tariff on all Mexican imports on June 10, explicitly linking the trade action to a demand that Mexico crack down on illegal immigration. The White House intends to gradually raise the tariff level until it hits 25 percent on October 1, a levy that "could cripple the industry and cause major uncertainty," said a note from Deutsche Bank.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Jussie Smollett: Possible deal was in the works a month before charges dropped, documents show

Jussie Smollett: Possible deal was in the works a month before charges dropped, documents showNew documents on the Jussie Smollett case show that prosecutors told Chicago police detectives that a possible deal with the actor was in the works a month before charges against him were dropped.Smollett was charged in March with 16 counts alleging he lied to police when reporting he'd been the victim of a racist, anti-gay attack in January. Police contend the black and openly gay actor allegedly staged the attack because he was unhappy with his salary and wanted publicity.Prosecutors dropped charges on 26 March without Smollett admitting guilt. Then Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and police Superintendent Eddie Johnson expressed outrage over the prosecutors' decision. Smollett has maintained his innocence. The approximately 460 pages of new documents show that detectives investigating Smollett's allegations were told by Cook County prosecutors a deal with the Empire actor could include a $10,000 fine and community service. The detectives did not pass the information to superiors. "They didn't pass it on because they didn't know it (the case) was going to be handled the way it was," said Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. In the documents released on Thursday, detectives note the Chicago Police Department was informed by the Cook County State's Attorney's office on 28 February that they could no longer investigate the crime. Smollett was indicted on 7 March. The lead investigators in the case met with Assistant State's Attorney Risa Lanier, who informed detectives "that she felt the case would be settled with Smollett paying the city of Chicago $10,000 in restitution and doing community service". The detectives closed the case at that point because an arrest was made and the alleged offender was being prosecuted, according to Guglielmi.It was the attorneys for Smollett who announced charges alleging he lied to police about attack had been dropped. At the time, Johnson said he learned of the deal prosecutors made with Smollett when the deal was announced by lawyers, adding he didn't think justice was being served. However, he didn't directly criticise prosecutors."My job as a police officer is to investigate an incident, gather evidence, gather the facts and present them to the state's attorney," Johnson said. "That's what we did. I stand behind the detectives' investigation." The Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association said the dismissal of the charges was "an affront to prosecutors across the state" as well as police, victims of hate crimes and the county as a whole.The city of Chicago is seeking $130,000 from Smollett to cover the costs of the investigation into his reported beating. The city claims about two dozen detectives and officers investigated the entertainer's report that he was attacked, resulting in a "substantial number of overtime hours."Additional reporting by agencies

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Judge considering Missouri abortion clinic license case

Judge considering Missouri abortion clinic license caseST. LOUIS (AP) — A judge is deciding whether to ensure Missouri's only abortion clinic can keep its license past Friday, the latest development in a decades-long push by abortion opponents to get states to enact strict rules on the procedure.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Barr: Counter-intelligence Probe of Trump Campaign Crossed ‘Serious Red Line’

Barr: Counter-intelligence Probe of Trump Campaign Crossed ‘Serious Red Line’Attorney General William Barr said Friday that the FBI's counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign "crossed" a "serious red line" and should be "carefully looked at.""The use of foreign intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against an American political campaign to me is unprecedented and it's a serious red line that's been crossed," Barr said in an interview with CBS.The attorney general is currently investigating the origins of the probe to determine whether the U.S. intelligence community's surveillance of the Trump campaign was warranted. He has expressed skepticism about the explanations for some of the investigative actions taken.During testimony to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee last month, Barr stated that "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign, angering Democratic lawmakers."I guess it's become a dirty word somehow," Barr told CBS. "I think there is nothing wrong with spying. The question is always whether it is authorized by law.""There were counterintelligence activities undertaken against the Trump campaign, And I'm not saying there was not a basis for it, that it was legitimate, but I want to see what that basis was and make sure it was legitimate," he added.The New York Times reported that the FBI sent an undercover agent posing as a research assistant to ask former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos whether the campaign was working with Russia. Papadopoulos was told by a Maltese professor in early 2016 that Russia had damaging information on Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton, but said he told the undercover agent he had “nothing to do with Russia.”"Republics have fallen because of Praetorian Guard mentality where government officials get very arrogant, they identify the national interest with their own political preferences, and they feel that anyone who has a different opinion, you know, is somehow an enemy of the state," Barr remarked. "That can easily translate into essentially supervening the will of the majority and getting your own way as a government official."FBI director Chris Wray said earlier this month that he had seen no evidence that the FBI illegally spied on the Trump campaign.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Riyadh rallies allies against Tehran at Mecca summits

Riyadh rallies allies against Tehran at Mecca summitsGulf and Arab allies rallied around Saudi Arabia Friday as it ratcheted up tensions with regional rival Iran after a series of attacks, drawing accusations from Tehran of "sowing division". Tehran, which has strongly denied involvement in any of the attacks, expressed disappointment that Riyadh plans to level the same "baseless accusations" at a summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) early on Saturday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

9 Cool Things We Learned Driving the Spectre Land Rover Defender

9 Cool Things We Learned Driving the Spectre Land Rover Defender

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Police confirm missing Utah girl's body has been found

Police confirm missing Utah girl's body has been foundSALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A body found after a five-day search is that of a 5-year-old girl taken from her home and killed by her uncle, Utah police confirmed on Thursday.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Showdown over Missouri abortion clinic postponed as governor weighs in

Showdown over Missouri abortion clinic postponed as governor weighs inGov. Mike Parson said court intervention in the fight over whether to renew the license of Missouri's lone abortion provider would be "reckless."

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Amit Shah: Modi's enforcer emerges from behind India's throne

Amit Shah: Modi's enforcer emerges from behind India's throneAs the battle-hardened drill sergeant for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah has long been considered India's second most-powerful person, and his appointment Friday as home minister elevates his position to leader-in-waiting. While Modi is the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party's people person, firing up rallies and mastering Twitter, Shah has for years made sure that Modi's orders are carried out to the letter while turning the world's biggest political party into the undisputed force across the nation of 1.3 billion people. Shah's piercing stare and strongarm tactics have made him a feared and respected figure in the Hindu nationalist party -- opposition parties and critics call him "ruthless" -- a status only increased by his role masterminding the BJP's second straight landslide election victory this month as the party president.

from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines

Anchors From Fox and Chinese State TV Hold Live Debate on Trade

By AMY QIN from NYT World

Ex-Chelsea manager Conte appointed Inter Milan boss

Former Chelsea boss Antonio Conte is appointed Inter Milan manager, replacing the sacked Luciano Spalletti.

from BBC News - Home

More Than Patriotism on Their Sleeves: Military Patches Sport Trump Likeness


Nigel Farage Is the Most Dangerous Man in Britain


Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump announces escalating tariffs against Mexico, starting at 5 percent, until illegal immigrants 'STOP'

05/30/19 4:47 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Louisiana's governor, a Democrat, signs 'heartbeat' abortion bill into law

05/30/19 2:28 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Former Mississippi Republican Sen. Thad Cochran, who served in Congress for more than 45 years before retiring last year, has di

05/30/19 7:55 AM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Special Counsel Robert Mueller makes first public remarks on Russia election meddling in 2016

05/29/19 7:55 AM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

FBI adds fugitive Eugene Palmer to Top 10 Most-Wanted List

05/29/19 6:51 AM

FOX NEWS: Baltimore's mayor blames NSA for ransomware attack that cripple city's computer networks

Baltimore's mayor blames NSA for ransomware attack that cripple city's computer networks

Mayor Jack Young says the ransomware is a spinoff of a cyberweapon that hackers stole it from the NSA in a 2017 breach; Gillian Turner reports from Baltimore.


FOX NEWS: New app tracks data trackers on your mobile device

New app tracks data trackers on your mobile device

It may come as a surprise that there are dozens of trackers running on your iPhone, delivering the data they gather throughout the day and night.


FOX NEWS: Navy wants 350 billion social media posts for epic research project

Navy wants 350 billion social media posts for epic research project

The U.S. Navy wants to amass 350 billion social media posts for a massive data archive that will provide new insight into how people communicate online.


FOX NEWS: Baltimore seeks federal aid to pay for damage caused by crippling ransomware attack

Baltimore seeks federal aid to pay for damage caused by crippling ransomware attack

Residents are still unable to pay city water bills, tickets, taxes and close real estate deals online, prompting city employees to work 12-hour shifts in order to conduct all day-to-day city business; Gillian Turner reports from Baltimore.


FOX NEWS: US military building ‘missile-killing’ lasers that it will mount onto jets

US military building ‘missile-killing’ lasers that it will mount onto jets

Anti-missile lasers could soon be attached to U.S. fighter jets after a successful ground test.


FOX NEWS: Military sealift may need more help to get combat vehicles to Europe

Military sealift may need more help to get combat vehicles to Europe

As the Pentagon accelerates its pivot toward great power competition and moves beyond 15 years of counterinsurgency, the US military continues to build up forces, increase training and conduct exercises with regional allies in both the European and Pacific theaters.  


FOX NEWS: Facebook ignores Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi amid growing backlash over doctored video

Facebook ignores Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi amid growing backlash over doctored video

Facebook is standing by its refusal to take down a doctored video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi amid a growing backlash from Democrats. 


FOX NEWS: 'White-collar sweatshop': Google Assistant contractors slam tech giant

'White-collar sweatshop': Google Assistant contractors slam tech giant

Google's use of artificial intelligence to power many of its products, including its Google Assistant, inspires awe and praise.


FOX NEWS: Businesses balk at FCC bid to block robocalls

Businesses balk at FCC bid to block robocalls

Some businesses are pushing back against a regulatory proposal that would allow phone companies to block unwanted robocalls.


FOX NEWS: Fake accounts pose as candidates, reporters to push pro-Iran agenda

Fake accounts pose as candidates, reporters to push pro-Iran agenda

A propaganda effort possibly out of Iran has been using Facebook and Twitter to try and impersonate real Americans, including a handful of US congressional candidates, according to new research.


'Pray For Us All!' Storm Damage Makes Midwest Look 'Like Someone Dropped a Bomb in Our City'

More tornadoes struck the Midwest Wednesday, at least two twisters touching down in northern Texas, damaging homes and injuring at least one person. CBN's Operation Blessing is on the ground in the Dayton, Ohio area where 13 tornadoes were recorded.


Southern Baptist Membership Hits New Low as Church Tackles Abuse, Racism, and Role of Women

For the first time in 30 years, membership with Southern Baptist Churches is at a record low. New numbers from Southern Baptist Churches show that membership fell from approximately 15 million to 14.8 million in 2018. This is the first time in 30 years that it's been below 15 million. 


Miracle Preemie Is Smallest Survivor Ever, Fueling Pro-Life Argument that 'Science Is Pro-Life'

When she was born, the baby girl weighed as much as an apple – just 8.6 ounces. She was only expected to live for about one hour, but miraculously, she survived.


As Democrats Race Towards Socialism Experts Caution: 'This has Been Tried and Failed in Every Way'

Not too long ago advocating socialist policies mean certain political suicide, but today American's liberal leaders are increasingly embracing socialist policies and they have support. 


Thursday 30 May 2019

Online usage grows, but so do social media concerns - Ofcom study

Most people say the internet improves their lives, but 70% would support tougher social media laws.

from BBC News - Home

Eight child stair gate models fail Which? safety tests

Consumer group Which? warns parents of safety risk after eight out of 12 stair gates fail its tests.

from BBC News - Home

Paper review: Tuition fees review and Boris in court case

The front pages focus on calls to reduce fees for students and allegations against Boris Johnson.

from BBC News - Home

News Daily: Tuition fees 'should be cut', and Chelsea's Europa League joy

Your morning briefing for 30 May 2019.

from BBC News - Home

'I didn't understand what transgender was'

These children became closer to their dad when he became a woman. This is their story.

from BBC News - Home

Cameroon atrocity: What happened after Africa Eye found who killed this woman

BBC Africa Eye identified who killed a group of women and children last year, but what happened next?

from BBC News - Home

How the Tiananmen Square protests changed my life

Dan Wang was a student leader at the Tiananmen Square protests in China in 1989. After the violent crackdown by the security services he was at the top of the 'most wanted' list.

from BBC News - Home

Jonathan Last uses handstands to 'connect the world'

Jonathan Last uses Instagram to share his love of landmarks and gymnastics.

from BBC News - Home

Gym class where Muslim women can take of their hijabs

Hafsah began women-only gym classes because she prefers to take off her headscarf when exercising.

from BBC News - Home

What's behind the Spice Girls' sound problems?

Experts explain the issues that could be behind the negative comments about the group's comeback.

from BBC News - Home

Bridge cat stuck for six days still stranded after rescue fails

Fire crews offered tasty morsels in a bid to tempt Hatty the cat from her perch - but she wouldn't budge.

from BBC News - Home

History of Britain's lidos celebrated

Outdoor swimming enthusiasts Janet Wilkinson and Emma Pusill have documented more than 100 lidos.

from BBC News - Home

Roblox: 'I thought he was playing an innocent game'

Online multiplayer game Roblox is marketed at children - but there are fears it also being used for grooming.

from BBC News - Home

Octavia Spencer: Ditching the 'sassy black woman' for horror

The Oscar winner on why she hopes horror film MA, her first lead role, can change Hollywood for black actresses.

from BBC News - Home

5G: Finally, it's here in the UK - but so what?

A brief guide to what 5G offers today and how it should improve over the years to come.

from BBC News - Home

Brexit: How the timetable to 31 October could unfold

MPs will only sit for about 50 days between now and the 31 October Brexit deadline.

from BBC News - Home

Miss India contest: Why do all the finalists 'look the same'?

A photo of this year's finalists has placed them at the centre of a storm over skin colour.

from BBC News - Home

Europa League final in Baku: Far from the pitch and a long way from home - the surreal final

Chelsea succeeded in Baku but it was a Europa League final that will be remembered more for its surreal surroundings and flat atmosphere.

from BBC News - Home

Fox host, Chinese state TV anchor face off over trade war

A Chinese state TV anchor and a host from Fox Business, whose sparring over the U.S.-China trade war has been avidly followed on Chinese social media, brought their duel to the American cable network for what turned out to be a respectful encounter.

from Reuters: U.S.

Hydrogen-powered flying vehicle touted as Southern California traffic tonic

Developers of a multi-rotor hover craft billed as the first flying vehicle to be powered by hydrogen fuel cells unveiled a full-scale model on Wednesday in Southern California, in a show-and-tell that raised some eyebrows but never left the ground.

from Reuters: U.S.

Sixteen women sue FBI claiming 'good old boy' training discrimination: NYT

Sixteen women filed a lawsuit against the FBI on Wednesday, claiming sexual discrimination and accusing it of running "a good old boy network" in its training program, the New York Times reported.

from Reuters: U.S.

Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana face flood of 'historic magnitude'

Thousands of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana residents braced for more flooding on Wednesday, and some evacuated their homes, as forecasts of further rain drove fears that decades-old levees girding the Arkansas River may not hold.

from Reuters: U.S.