
Saturday 30 June 2018

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Supreme Court Justice nominee coming July 9, Trump says

06/29/18 5:41 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Capital Gazette shooting suspect blocked staffers from escaping rampage: official

06/29/18 12:05 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

New mugshot released of alleged Capital Gazette gunman

06/29/18 8:05 AM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Suspect in Capital Gazette killings charged with 5 counts of first-degree murder

06/29/18 6:04 AM

NHS England to stop 'ineffective' treatments

Tonsils removal and breast reductions are among 17 procedures that will be offered to fewer patients.

from BBC News - Home

Steel firm Thyssenkrupp backs Tata merger

The UK's biggest steelworks at Port Talbot will become part of the newly merged group.

from BBC News - Home

Virgin Atlantic stops accepting forced deportations

The move comes amid concern over the treatment of Windrush migrants and LGBT asylum seekers.

from BBC News - Home

Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black become parents

Olympic diver Daley and Dustin Lance Black announce the birth of their son, Robert Ray.

from BBC News - Home

Canada 'will not back down' over US metals tariffs

Canada also unveiled $2bn in aid to protect its steel and aluminium industries from the US tariffs.

from BBC News - Home

Migrant mum called 'animal' for breastfeeding

A Honduran mother describes her and other women's "horrible" ordeal in a Texas detention facility.

from BBC News - Home

DR Congo: Oil drilling allowed in wildlife parks

Virunga and Salonga national parks in DR Congo are home to threatened mountain gorillas and bonobo.

from BBC News - Home

New NHS app 'puts patients in control of their own healthcare'

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt unveils a new NHS app which "puts patients in control".

from BBC News - Home

Trump to name nominee for Supreme Court on 9 July

The US president has five people in mind, including two women, and will name his choice on 9 July.

from BBC News - Home

Newspaper shooting suspect 'barricaded exit'

The Capital Gazette gunman shot one victim trying to flee through a door he barricaded, say police.

from BBC News - Home

Lettuce growers warn of imminent shortage

Leafy salad growers say the summer's high temperatures have boosted demand but damaged crops.

from BBC News - Home

The Papers: Fizzy drink rationing and ops dropped

The carbon dioxide shortage is still making headlines while there are reports of cuts in NHS services.

from BBC News - Home

How can you dance without music?

The story of a deaf dance star.

from BBC News - Home

Five circus tigers re-homed on the Isle of Wight

Five former Spanish circus tigers have found a new home on the Isle of Wight.

from BBC News - Home

Adam Sandler: Wedding Singer turns wedding crasher

One couple were treated to a big surprise on their wedding day by a cameo appearance from Adam Sandler.

from BBC News - Home

Week in pictures: 23 - 29 June 2018

A selection of the best news photographs from around the world, taken over the past week.

from BBC News - Home

Wingsuit flyer in Snowdon close proximity feat

Sam Laming has become the first wingsuit flyer to soar over Mount Snowdon.

from BBC News - Home

Ed Sheeran's wedding chapel plan rejected

The singer had hoped to marry in the building at his Suffolk home but planners turned down his bid.

from BBC News - Home

What a hoot! Tawny owl takes a bath

The owl was seen bathing in a pool of water in Thixendale in North Yorkshire.

from BBC News - Home

Saudi wastes no time to rap at the wheel

Leesa A sings in the music video of her driving released on the day a decades-old ban was lifted.

from BBC News - Home

How long will this heat last?

BBC Weather's Helen Willetts with the latest update on the hot weather.

from BBC News - Home

'Silly' cancer nurse Debbie reunited with patient

Liz Brown said nurse Debbie Bye did "silly things" to make her cancer treatment less painful.

from BBC News - Home

The death of a Poundworld

Discount retailer Poundworld is teetering on the brink. For staff and customers, it's more than just a brand that could be lost.

from BBC News - Home

Thai cave rescue: Drones, dogs, drilling and desperation

A full-scale international effort is under way to reach 12 young Thais and their coach lost in a vast cave.

from BBC News - Home

The young Austrian leader sharing power with the far right

Is Sebastian Kurz getting too close to the far right as he pursues a hardline migrant policy?

from BBC News - Home

Reality Check: Are butterflies getting rarer?

It's often said that butterflies are dying out in the UK, but do the statistics back this up?

from BBC News - Home

Fortnite: A fortnight in my 40s in Battle Royale

A lapsed gamer is challenged to spend a fortnight playing Fortnite to understand its appeal.

from BBC News - Home

Doug Ford: Brother of notorious Rob Ford takes over Ontario

The province's new premier, a businessman and politician, had been called Canada's Donald Trump.

from BBC News - Home

Little hope ahead of polls in Mexico's Sinaloa state

Mexicans will be voting in general elections on Sunday against a backdrop of record levels of violence.

from BBC News - Home

Will Mexico Get Its Donald?


Dave Eggers: A Cultural Vacuum in Trump’s White House

By DAVE EGGERS from NYT Opinion

Funeral Is Held for Firefighter Killed by Ground Zero Toxins


Reason to Bow

By CAITLIN LOVINGER from NYT Crosswords & Games

FOX NEWS: In song and prayer, Thais show solidarity with missing boys

In song and prayer, Thais show solidarity with missing boys

It's a simple melody sung to the plucking of acoustic guitars by schoolchildren sitting around candles: "I beg the skies to show mercy and empathy/ My brothers are in Tham Luang Khun Nang Non/ Let them pass this danger, I beg."


FOX NEWS: Families seek recovery of US remains from Korean War

Families seek recovery of US remains from Korean War

Secretary of State Pompeo is 'optimistic' U.S. will receive some remains from North Korea in 'not-too-distant future'; families of Americans missing in Korean War speak out on 'The Story.'


FOX NEWS: 3 killed in attack on West African counterterror force's HQ

3 killed in attack on West African counterterror force's HQ

A car packed with explosives detonated at the headquarters of a new, five-nation West African counterterror force in Mali, setting off a gun battle that killed two soldiers, a civilian and two attackers, officials told The Associated Press on Friday.


FOX NEWS: Ahead of Mexico vote, fears and warnings over possible fraud

Ahead of Mexico vote, fears and warnings over possible fraud

The specter of possible fraud rears its head in Mexico each electoral campaign, both in the popular imagination and among candidates on the ballot.


FOX NEWS: How Mexico's presidential election could impact the US

How Mexico's presidential election could impact the US

The frontrunner is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or AMLO, a far-left populist whose campaign is sweeping Mexico; William La Jeunesse reports from Mexico City.


FOX NEWS: 'Permanent' cease-fire begins in South Sudan's civil war

'Permanent' cease-fire begins in South Sudan's civil war

A cease-fire began at midnight Saturday in South Sudan as a weary nation wondered whether this latest attempt to end a five-year civil war would hold.


FOX NEWS: Voters in US await Mexican election

Voters in US await Mexican election

Voters anticipate what's being billed as largest Mexico election in history.


FOX NEWS: Suspect falls through store ceiling trying to escape police

Suspect falls through store ceiling trying to escape police

Woman seen on security camera crashing through a convenience store ceiling in Canada after she was confronted for using a stolen credit card.


FOX NEWS: French theme park to hold 'nude day' as topless tourism grows

French theme park to hold 'nude day' as topless tourism grows

A theme park outside Paris is opening its attractions -- including trampolines and a mini golf course – to nudists this weekend as France continues to promote itself as a top destination for those looking to go “au naturel”.


FOX NEWS: Spanish rescue ship told not to respond to distress call

Spanish rescue ship told not to respond to distress call

A Spanish rescue ship patrolling the Mediterranean Sea said Friday that Italian officials told it to let the Libyan coast guard respond to a distress call from a smuggling boat carrying 100 migrants, only to hear reports shortly afterward that 100 migrants were missing and feared dead in the same area.


Iowa Court Blocks 72-Hour Waiting Period for Abortion

The Iowa Supreme Court on Friday blocked a law requiring a 72-hour waiting period before a woman can get an abortion.


Francis Chan Calls Out 'Embarrassing' American Christians Who've Lost Their Passion for the Gospel

World-renowned evangelist Francis Chan called out the "embarrassing" American Church for being more concerned with speakers, music, and convenient service time than the actual gospel.


NOTE TO THE LEFT: Stop Whining Over Justice Kennedy, It's Your Own Fault

Democrats are now powerless to stop President Trump's next Supreme Court nominee. It's called "blowback," and it's their own fault.


UN Rejects Samaritan's Purse VP to Head Top Migration Agency

For only the second time in its 67-year- history, an American will not be leading the UN's top migration agency.  The lack of US leadership will likely affect American clout and influence on migration policy around the world.


LGBT Christians? Mohler Says Revoice Conference Weakens Gospel by Affirming Gay Lifestyle

A Christian conference focusing on homosexuality is stirring conversation and controversy in the faith community.


'Stand in the Gap Anointing': Pastors Teach Powerful Spirit-Filled Leadership Lessons at Gettysburg

The lessons about Gettysburg which are not taught so much anymore could go a long way in showing American youth how best to live and maybe even how best to die.


'They Ended Up Pointing a Gun at My Two Little Sisters': Sex Trafficking Survivor's Shocking Life as a Slave

Chi Braley shares her story of rape and sex trafficking, and how she finally got free.


'Let's Pray for the President': Faith Leaders Urge Wisdom as Search Begins for Justice Kennedy's Replacement

Faith leaders are reacting to the announcement by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy that he's retiring after serving on the high court for three decades.


Shooter Who Killed 5 at Maryland Newspaper Had History of Conflict with the Paper

A single shooter killed five people Thursday and wounded others at a newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, and police said a suspect was in custody.


Melania Trump Heads Back to Border, Without Her Jacket Distraction This Time

The First Lady plans to highlight the suffering of families detained at the border with a second visit--this time without a controversial wardrobe.


'The First Gay Justice': How Anthony Kennedy Led the Liberal Fight for Gay Marriage and Abortion

Justice Kennedy advanced both gay rights and abortion rights during his 30 years on the Supreme Court. Both conservatives and liberal agree--the president's nominee to replace Kennedy will shape the court for years to come.


Churches Slapped with Shocking New Taxes: Here's What You Can Do to Stop It

Churches and non-profit organizations are calling for repeal of a provision in the GOP's tax cuts law that would force ministries to file federal tax returns, and in some cases pay taxes.


Steel firm Thyssenkrupp backs Tata merger

The UK's biggest steelworks at Port Talbot will become part of the newly merged group.

from BBC News - Business

Lettuce growers warn of imminent shortage

Leafy salad growers say the summer's high temperatures have boosted demand but damaged crops.

from BBC News - Business

Electric car buyers claim they were misled by Nissan

Nissan is accused of exaggerating the benefits of its latest Leaf electric car model.

from BBC News - Business

Virgin Atlantic stops accepting forced deportations

The move comes amid concern over the treatment of Windrush migrants and LGBT asylum seekers.

from BBC News - Business

Canada 'will not back down' over US metals tariffs

Canada also unveiled $2bn in aid to protect its steel and aluminium industries from the US tariffs.

from BBC News - Business

GM warns against potential car tariffs

The US Commerce Department is probing the impact of foreign auto imports on national security.

from BBC News - Business

Accountancy giant PwC hangs up on landlines in mobile move

Staff must switch to mobiles by the end of the summer as landline phones will be phased out.

from BBC News - Business

Nike shares fly as sales momentum mounts

A 3% rise in sales in the crucial North America region sends shares in the sportswear firm soaring.

from BBC News - Business

Surprise upgrade to UK growth

The pound jumps as new figures show the economy grew by 0.2% in the first three months of the year.

from BBC News - Business

Tesco trials shopping without tills

The retailer is testing whether shoppers can buy products using an app, rather than visiting a till.

from BBC News - Business

Carbon dioxide crisis to hit supermarket food choice

Supplies of pork and chicken products will be affected, the Food and Drink Federation warns.

from BBC News - Business

Lloyd's of London chief executive Inga Beale to step down

Dame Inga Beale, the only woman to lead the 330-year-old insurance market, will leave next year.

from BBC News - Business

Fake bookings hit Singapore's Ryde Technologies

Ryde Technologies says 2,000 "phantom bookings" have cost its drivers thousands of dollars.

from BBC News - Business

Penny drops

Discount retailer Poundworld is teetering on the brink. For staff and customers, it's more than just a brand that could be lost.

from BBC News - Business

Sovereignty issue

The Chinese government has recently been calling a number of businesses to task for calling Taiwan a country, as the BBC's Cindy Sui reports.

from BBC News - Business

New top story on Hacker News: Eight low-tech ways to keep cool in a heatwave (2013)

Eight low-tech ways to keep cool in a heatwave (2013)
100 by vanilla-almond | 126 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Apple is rebuilding Maps from the ground up

Apple is rebuilding Maps from the ground up
608 by xuki | 510 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: There's no limit to longevity, says study that revives human lifespan debate

There's no limit to longevity, says study that revives human lifespan debate
155 by mrfusion | 81 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Debugging data flows in reactive programs

Debugging data flows in reactive programs
5 by nuriaion | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Breaking LTE on Layer Two

Breaking LTE on Layer Two
129 by pedro84 | 20 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: A raytracer to shade topographic maps in R, Part 2

Show HN: A raytracer to shade topographic maps in R, Part 2
39 by tylermw | 2 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Reverse Engineering for Beginners

Reverse Engineering for Beginners
164 by jacquesm | 11 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What's the best way to handle internal tech support?

Ask HN: What's the best way to handle internal tech support?
3 by underyx | 3 comments on Hacker News.
My company has around 1000 CS reps and 200 engineers. The CS reps very often need to ask the engineers questions, report bugs heard about from customers, etc. Us engineers also get bug reports about the internal tools we've developed for CS. Currently, all this is handled via a simple Slack channel. This is actually great, since there's no bureaucratic cost to getting in touch, unlike with a proper ticketing system, and having actual public conversations is the fastest way to resolve issues. But of course, we started seeing inefficiencies in other aspects. The same questions keep being asked over and over again. There's an FAQ linked in the channel topic and it's automatically posted in the channel every 12 hours, but it's still not enough, we still get tons of questions that could be self-solved without engineers' intervention. So, that made me curious, how are other companies handling this? Could we somehow maybe auto-respond to Slack messages with the correct answer with some bot, or just come up with something that actually makes people check the FAQs before posting? Or is there some way better solution to replace all this?

New top story on Hacker News: The Life and Death of Teletext

The Life and Death of Teletext
45 by isostatic | 6 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: How to Steal 50M Bees

How to Steal 50M Bees
96 by siberianbear | 41 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: A newly discovered film shows Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had polio, walking

A newly discovered film shows Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had polio, walking
56 by wilsonfiifi | 19 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Show HN: Build dApp front-ends using GraphQL

Show HN: Build dApp front-ends using GraphQL
59 by alexkern | 7 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Below the Surface: archaeological finds from metro line excavations in Amsterdam

Below the Surface: archaeological finds from metro line excavations in Amsterdam
3 by prawn | 0 comments on Hacker News.

Investors hopeful Mexico's Lopez Obrador will veer to the center

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mexican assets are poised to strengthen even if leftist front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wins Sunday's presidential election, analysts say, on expectations he will govern from the center and as the uncertainty stemming from the race fades.

from Reuters: World News

Secret U.N.-Myanmar deal on Rohingya offers no guarantees on citizenship

YANGON/COX'S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Rohingya refugees returning to Myanmar will have no explicit guarantees of citizenship or freedom of movement throughout the country, under a secret agreement between the government and the United Nations seen by Reuters.

from Reuters: World News

Jordan source reports south Syria truce; State Department cannot confirm

BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) - A ceasefire has been agreed for southern Syria between the government and rebels, a Jordanian official source said on Friday, amid fears of a gathering humanitarian catastrophe in a region sensitive to neighbors Jordan and Israel.

from Reuters: World News

U.S. intelligence believes North Korea making more nuclear bomb fuel despite talks: NBC

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. intelligence agencies believe North Korea has increased production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months and may try to hide these while seeking concessions in nuclear talks with the United States, NBC News quoted U.S. officials as saying.

from Reuters: World News

Libyan coastguard says 100 migrants may have drowned near Tripoli

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - More than 100 migrants are feared to have drowned off Libya's western coast after their overloaded boat capsized, coastguard officials said on Friday.

from Reuters: World News

Malaysia considers amending human trafficking law after U.S. report

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia's new government said on Saturday it is considering amending laws on human trafficking and migrant smuggling just days after the U.S. State Department reported a lack of progress in the country's efforts to counter trafficking in the past year.

from Reuters: World News

Papering over cracks, EU leaders claim summit victory on migration

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders on Friday claimed success in reaching a hard-fought agreement to control immigration but it faced instant criticism as vague, hard to implement and a potential threat to human rights.

from Reuters: World News

Israeli forces kill two Palestinians in Gaza border protests: Gaza medics

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinians, one of them a 14-year-old boy, and wounded 415 others with live fire and tear gas during protests along the Gaza border on Friday, Gaza health officials said.

from Reuters: World News

Trump says will raise election meddling with Putin in Helsinki meeting

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday he would raise the issue of alleged Russian meddling in U.S. elections during his planned meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki next month.

from Reuters: World News